Ogoola Karuta is a karuta shop that offers Ogoola Karuta Poetry Games in English, German, French, Swedish and Chinese. We also offer the original Hyakuninisshu karutas translated in English, Swedish and French.
Ogoola Karuta poetry game is the world's first non-Japanese karuta which uses poetry quotes from poems written in English, German, French, Swedish and Chinese. Karuta is a game based on a 400 year old traditional Japanese poetry game.
The game is about listening and being fast. A reader reads a poetry quote aloud from a reading card. The players grab the matching playing card which is being read aloud as fast as she can. Be the first to win!
Please visit our website at http://www.ogoola.org
Ogoola Karuta är en svensk version av det uråldriga japanska poesispelet. Spelet handlar om att lyssnar och att vara snabb. En läsare läser högt en kännd diktcitat och en del av vad hon/han läser står på ett matchande spelkort som ligger någonstans framför dig. Ta detta rätt kort innan dem andra tar den för att vinna! Ett physiskt, strategiskt och dynamiskt spel. Utmana dina vänner och ditt intellekt med en omgång Ogoola Karuta! Detta spel har blivit kännd i världen genom populärt manga och anime - Chihayafuru.
Svenska spelet använder dikter från Almqvist, Bellman, Lenngren, Södergran, Fröding, Lina Sandell och många många fler. Stina Ekblad, vår chefredaktör, har valt 50 klassiska vackra diktcitat från hennes mästerverk DIKT 1598-1939
Ogoola Karuta är ursprungligen ett traditionellt japanskt kortspel som kallas Ogura Hyakunin-isshu Uta-garuta. Spelet är populärt i Japan sedan över 400 år och över en miljon aktiva spelare tävlar i Japan idag.
Innehåller 50 läskort, 50 spelkort och en poesibok (instruktioner, regler, historia och 50 poesicitat som används i spelet).
120x170x45 mm, 385g
Tips: Ladda ned läsar-appen som är tillgänglig på Apple App Store. Läsare: Christian Fex. Denna app agerar som läsare när alla vill spela! Appen är användbart när man bara är två personer som vill spela. Pssssst! Läserappar är gratis!
iOS app: Ogoola Karuta SE
Android app: Karuta Svenska Ogoola - underhållning just nu för att uppdatera. Ni kan hitta inspelningerna på Spotify. Sök ord Ogoola Karuta Svenska Christian Fex. Eller skriv ett email till oss! Ni kan få audio inspelningerna via email om ni vill.
Shipment Information:
We send all our products with the company postnord. It is the northern European post. For customers who select the track and trace service for their shipment, the following link will get you to the track and trace service page. Just click the link and input your Shipment ID that we notice you via email and you can track your parcel as soon as it's on its way. Link to postnord.
Our mission
Our mission is to spread karuta and poetry all over the world.
Since 2009, we have been specializing in making karuta in non-Japanese languages to be able to share with the world the beauty of poetry and the excitement you can experience through this game of karuta.
Ogoola Karuta Poetry Game is a card game which uses poetry quotes from famous poems that originates in non-Japanese countries. Our Karutas are a variation of the traditional Japanese poetry game, Ogura Hyakunin-isshu Uta-karuta.
Karuta has been played for over 400 years in Japan. Today we offer karutas in English, German, French, Swedish and Chinese using the original poems (quotes) written in each of these languages.
For people interested in the original Japanese karuta using the Hyakuninisshu poems, we offer the Hyakuninisshu Translated Karutas in English, Swedish and French. The English Hyakuninisshu karuta uses the translation by Clay Mac Cauley (1917). This translation follows the Japanese waka form of 57577 syllables so it is possible to sing the poems in the same melody as the original Japanese poems. We are proud to present our recording of this English translation which is made into a free reader app. The English translation recording has two editions. One which is sung in the original melody and the other which is read. The readings can also be found on Spotify.
We hope to contribute in spreading poetry and karuta all over the world.
So what is this game about?
This game is about listening and being FAST. A reader reads the reading cards aloud while players search, find and grab fast the matching playing card which is being read aloud. Grab the correct cards before the others do in order to win! Known as an intellectual martial arts game in Japan. The cards have famous poetry quotes on them but no prior knowledge is needed!
For more information about the game please visit our website at
Fun and challenging game to play with friends and family. I didn't expect a game including poems to be this action filled but it truly does bring up your inner competitor! Ogoola Karuta requires you to be quick and alert at all times. It doesn't matter if you know the poems from before. I have played Ogoola approximately 20 times and still enjoy it! I really recommend the reader app as it makes it possible for everyone to join the game.
Aya Feurst Hasegawa and Ola Feurst
Founders of Ogoola Karuta
We are an international couple from Stockholm and Tokyo specialized in making Karuta in non-Japanese languages. Our company name Olayaselection derives from our names Ola and Aya. We love to dance, play music, sing, read, play games and meet interesting people. We also love to cook plant based and try to contribute in saving our beautiful planet.
We live on the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea with our beloved dog, Heyla. Ola is a marketing professor at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland and spends most of his free time together with me, working on our poetry project.